Last updated: 19-Mar-2025
The following airlines allow you to fly with a rabbit in-cabin:
USA Airlines (cost is around $100 each direction):
- Alaska
- Frontier
- Spirit
- Avelo
For Frontier, select the Pets In Cabin option when booking your ticket. Your pet does not count as a carry-on, so do not pay extra for a carry-on.
For Alaska, contact Customer Service right after booking your ticket. Your pet DOES count as a carry-on.
Alaska allows two rabbits (of similar size) in the same carrier per passenger. I believe all other domestic airlines have a limit of one rabbit per passanger.
European based Airlines:
- La Companique: Dwarf rabbits only. Not clear on exact definition of "dwarf". They do say that the rabbit shouldn’t access the top of the cage. Cost is 10% of ticket fare.
- ITA Airways. US to Europe for $250 per carrier, one way. ITA askes that you call their ITA Airways Call Center for rabbit journeys outside the EU.
- Finnair: Effective Nov-2023 -- Only allowed within the EU.
- Air Europa: Only allowed on short and medium length flights.
- Corsair: Might allow rabbits. They ask you to contact their Customer Service.
This Facebook post from Angela Chou on 10-Mar-2024 is very helpful regarding European travel with a rabbit.
Other International Airlines:
- Uzbekistan Airways
- Air North: Canadian only airline.
- Pacific Coastal. Only operates in British Columbia.
- Aeroflot (Currently not flying to the USA and Europe)
- WestJet no longer allows rabbits effective 5-Jul-2023.
You can also consider a seat on a private/charter aircraft.
At the TSA checkpoint in USA:
You will take your rabbit out of the soft-sided carrier when putting you bagging on the conveyor belt. Hand carry your rabbit thru the old style metal detector (not the new body scanners). Once past the metal detector, each of your hands will be swabbed and checked for nitrates/explosives. You can also request a private screening in a private room instead of having to carry your rabbit thru the metal detector.
Please report any corrections to James at
James has flown around 110K miles with a rabbit in cabin. Most of his flights depart or arrive at SFO; SJC; DEN; ORD, or BMI.