Baby bunny tossed from car- Now rescued Looking for a Christmas miracle
Late in the evening on Dec 23rd a family observed a rabbit tossed out on the meridian of a freeway in Los Gatos on Hwy 17! They quickly pulled over and in a heroic move stopped traffic and picked up the bunny from the middle of the Hwy. She had not moved much and was seriously injured. Seeing all of her injuries and not finding any vet offices open, they kindly brought the bunny to the shelter.
She was very badly injured. It is hard to imagine why someone would do this to a helpful baby bunny!
Her front teeth are broken off, all four feet are injured and raw. She also has a head injury.
She was quickly triaged by the San Jose Shelter to United Vet clinic on Hwy 17 at Los Gatos and the rabbit was carefully followed by the Rabbit Haven ‘s wonderful shelter advocate, Sarah Camp. The hospital gave you a high quality of overnight care including medication, minor surgery on her feet and feeding support. Their exam revealed a broken jaw, eye injury, severely injured feet, and head injury .
Today we rescued her from the shelter and picked her up directly from the united Vet hospital in San Jose. She was then brought over to the Animal hospital of Soquel by Ray and Dr Stern examined her. Dr Stern is performing surgery on her today to remove the toe that has been partially ripped off her back foot. We will know how she is later today after her surgery.
She will then go into medical care at the end of the day. We will keep you posted on Noella, our tiny Christmas baby. Let’s help her to heal and offer her all the medical care she needs to have a happy bunny life.
To help Noella with her surgical costs donate here:https://therabbithaven.org/cash-donations
Send get well wishes to her .
We are looking for a Christmas miracle for this tiny baby girl. Love to all.
Note HW 17 is a very busy and dangerous mountain highway.
Updated 9:22 PM PST 12/24/18
Noella – Had surgery today- stabilized somewhat tonight – She is very sore naturally and trying to rest – she ate critical care and KMR mixture and is cuddling in a pod on warmth for tonight.
She has several surgeries ahead of her. But at the least today all her feet were treated and the toe that had been hanging on her little back foot was amputated. Also the open wound on her back was cleaned and closed surgically .
The surgery was longer than expected so vet elected to wake her up. She has an open Fx on front leg as well (new reported injury) This will need to be corrected when she gets stronger.
Please send your love to her she is hurting and needs all the love and support she can get.
Tonight she will be in full medical support site on antibiotics, pain meds, with KMR and critical care support feedings plus fluids. She is not able to eat on her own given her jaw injury.