Biddeford and Beatrix are a tiny sweet dwarf pair – One day Biddeford stopped eating and was raced to hospital for urgent care – There vets found he has a huge mass that needs to be removed- he is not eating so requires daily critical care – the vets are doing all they can to get him strong enough for his surgery. The mass is so large it is preventing normal intake or output . Poor Biddeford. He has been in hospital for three days now and they are doing all they can to stabilize him so hi surgery will be successful – Scary times for Biddeford.
The surgical costs for Biddeford will be aprox. $ 1, 600.00 - I know it is seems high, but the mass is huge and he needed to go to the best board certified surgeon for this He will not be able to survive without the surgery.
If you want to help Biddeford donate here – https://www.therabbithaven.org/donate All donors will be posted on his progress .. Please help if you can. See photo of Beatrix and tiny Biddeford black/gray boy.
Love, Auntie Heather