Large scale rescue: The County of Santa Clara Animal services (San Martin) rescued 90 rabbits from a tent city in Morgan Hill on 5-11-2021. 9 of the rabbits were sent over to the San Jose shelter. All the rest are at CSCAS- Haven is helping
Kudos to the CACAS animal control & shelter at San Martin and the San Jose animal care and control for rescuing these neglected rabbits and for being the triage center for all of them.
The Rabbit Haven is working closely with both shelters. At the San martin shelter we are helping them gather needed supplies, to provide care of rabbits in the shelter, to bring needed supply for rabbits while in the shelter and we will also provide transport to other rescues and shelters after the rabbits are spayed and neutered.
Initially we provided bales of hay, litter boxes and food water dishes for all the rabbits -The Haven rabbit care team is at work at the San Martin shelter 7 days a week to offer support!
You can help! We need your help if you have some time and can come out to join our team. This wonderful shelter has done a fantastic job rescuing all of these rabbits from Very bad conditions. Now they will need support while the rabbits are in their care. We need more help daily to care for rabbits. We want to support this shelter as much as possible. What wonderful people!
These poor rabbit have just been through so much - They really need your love and support while they are in triage at the shelter.
Specifics: All Haven staff must be vaccinated, willing to wear masks at shelter and follow careful cleaning protocols. I know I can count on you – We have room for 5 more people- Teams of 3-4 at a time (training provided) - your help is truly needed. Please call me if you will help – We really need to help on this large rescue. 831 239-7119 831 600-7479.
Transport: We also need transport help for two pending transport: One to So cal the other to the Sacramento area. Call if you can transport - It is just one day to change the lives of so many rabbits. 831 239-7119
If you cannot volunteer perhaps you would like to donate to help us supply these rabbits with fresh veggies and supply they need to thrive - donate here https://www.therabbithaven.org/donate
Later on, consider adoption from the shelter or possibly fostering from San Martin shelter.
Love to everyone and many thanks to our current Rabbit care Crew! They are hard at work!
Auntie Heather