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Adoption Shows return in Los Gatos Oct 9th

Welcome back event at Pet People in Los Gatos this  Saturday October 9th 2021

 Dear friends,  Welcome back to the world of Adoption shows where the rabbits come out to meet you!  Please join us to visit with outr rabbits.  Adopt or foster an amazing  rabbit.  Shop to your heart’s content at our retail shop right near the adoption areas.   Look for the colorful balloons!

We will be showing 14-16 rabbits inside at Pet People located at 514 N Santa Cruz Ave Los Gatos from 11:30  AM to 4:30 PM.

RHDV2 - Medgene's new vaccine approved.

The USDA has approved EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for Medgene Lab's RHDV2 vaccine.

Therefore, no new permits for Eravac or Filavac will be issued in the United States.

Prior issued permits to import Eravac and Filavac are good for the one year period stated on the permit.

Vets can (of course) continue to vaccinate with the Filavac and Eravac that they have on-hand.

1st Live Adoption show since the beginning of the pandemic – Welcome back!

(Hosted by the PFE -Bay area virtual and live adoption event)  This Saturday/Sunday September 11th & 12th


Join us in the fun and come out to meet and adopt or foster awesome rabbits and guinea pigs all from the Rabbit Haven and Cavy Haven. Look for the colorful balloons.

We will be showing 14-16 rabbits each day at Pet Food Express in Campbell.  1902 S Bascom Ave, Campbell, CA 95008 time: 11 AM to 4 PM SAT & SUN–



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