Auntie Heather,
As you requested, I'm sending a picture of Lyra's new home and new buddy--Cuddles Boy. Cuddles loves her to death and we felt we had to give her a name to reflect her blossoming new friendship. "Kisses" seemed an appropriate partner to "Cuddles" and describes their relationship to a "tee".
Kisses has now adapted incredibly well. She originally was a bit shy but Cuddles has taught her to climb to the highest altitude in her x-pen or the crate and "beg" her way out of her enclosure and into the arms of my daughter or me. It is actually quite funny because she has come to see the evening as playtime or wake-up time.
She is quite the performer! This long hair bunny is a beauty and I'm appreciating how the extensive grooming becomes quite a relaxing activity when the bunny is used to being groomed. Lyra was taken care of quite well before we adopted her!
We are very appreciative of the investment of time and resources you put into adopting out your bunnies. She was a PERFECT match for us!
Thanks again!