The Rabbit Haven headquarters will remain open by phone and email for your questions or concerns. Contact info:
Phone: 831 239-7119 or 831 600-7479
Email: Director@therabbithaven.org
Due to the novel COVID-19 coronavirus, we have made the following changes to our program operations:
All events until Apr 15th are canceled
Bunny Hop on Apr 19th is canceled
Our adoption event at Pet People on Apr 18th is tentative – stay tuned for future notices.
Nail trims appointments may not be available for scheduling until the week of the show.
ADOPTIONS: We will hold individual off site adoptions by appointment only. Contact us to receive an application and to make your apt.
FOSTER SET UPS: New fosters are dearly needed now. Contact us if you can help. Foster set ups are by appointment only.
SHELTERS: We are open for urgent rescue assistance. Contact us to coordinate rescues.
Stay informed on our Facebook page, website, and by email notifications. Our website always has our up-to-date calendar. To be added to our mailing list, click here.