Champ stood up on his own with his Mom (Nurse Bunny) and parents by his side. He hopped over to Mom Nurse Bunny and gave her a kiss on her head. He then hopped over to his parents and gave each one a kiss on their hands. They adopted him a few months ago but it was kept private.
Champ then with his eyes looking forward hopped over to the Rainbow Bridge. He was greeted by several new friends. He will forever hop, binky, groom and have friends.
Champ has this message for all the people across the world who cared for him.
Champ says “I LOVE YOU for all your kindness. You touched my life reading all of your Loving and Caring Messages. I was born with a different view of the world. I saw the world with my head tilted. I however felt the Love of the World. I would not trade that for anything. I have known only LOVE and Caring from my Mom (Nurse Bunny) and adopted parents. They held me every the day. Taking me to places where I could not hop for myself. I read your messages during the day and night.
It’s My Turn to start a new life. I will hop around and Binky with my new friends.
Thank You for being my friend“