Read about our new location.
News regarding the Rabbit Haven show in Sunnyvale at FOLT.
I just received a call from Anita, the owner of FOLT. She let me know that she was having to close the store on Jan 31st. Sadly, this means a great loss to our community.
The FOLT family is special indeed and they will be deeply missed. The Rabbit Haven has held adoption shows at FOLT for the past 15 years and this was such sad news.
The Rabbit Haven needs to move ahead. We know our community wants to meet rabbits and we have so many rabbits needing homes. Therefore, we are be moving our adoption show over to Pet People in Los Gatos.
Pet People is located at 514 North Santa Cruz Ave. Los Gatos, CA 408.354.8888.
Our next show in the South Bay area is Saturday Jan 18th in Los Gatos. (plenty of free parking)
We have nail trim staff there and we will have our full retail section there as well - Same hours, 11AM to 4PM
Although the news about FOLT is unhappy, we will make the best of it and make sure our rabbits have a place to meet adopters and a place where our adopters can come to have nail trims, Home health checks and light grooming services.
At Pet People https://petpeoplelosgatos.com there is plenty of free parking. Plus, you will find the best products you will need for your rabbits, guinea pigs (and other animals too of course)! Hours at Pet People are 11 AM to 4PM - An email announcement will also go out to all nail trim clients and those who have subscribed.
On the first Saturday of every month, we will be holding our usual adoption and nail trim show at Pet People instead of FOLT.
Starting in March, we will be hold special events at Pet People on the third Saturday of every month: Health care classes, bunny Hops and so much more. Plenty of exciting events ahead.
Best wishes to the entire FOLT family. It has been a wonderful 15 years.
Call me if you have any questions 831 239-7119
Love, Auntie Heather
Hope to see you soon!