Rabbit Haven Educator, Michelle, recently visited Girl Scout Troop #15500 in Santa Cruz to help the girls earn their Pets Badge.
Molly accompanied Michelle for a two-hour Brownie-level troop meeting. Molly is a 4 year old New Zealand red-eyed white lop bunny who LOVES children and enjoys lots of pets and yummy treats! They found out what care house rabbits need including how to keep them comfy, well fed, healthy, safe and LOVED!
During the meeting, girls learned about a comfortable and safe home environment for rabbits; the importance of rabbit nutrition including proper hay, pellets, water, green, and treats; why loving playtime, toys and human interaction is very important; routine home health checks; as well as how a bunny can bond with a friend. The girls learned about proper pick up and hold of a house rabbit, and Michelle ended the meeting with a service project making hay rolls for our foster bunnies. This two hour visit included four different hands-on interactions and activities that helped bring rabbit care to life and fulfilled all of the Pets Badge requirements for the Brownies.
The Rabbit Haven rabbit education volunteers are available to visit Girl Scout troops to offer education and activities that will help girls earn in full the Pets Badge for Brownies; the Animal Habitats Badge for Juniors, Animal Helpers Badge for Cadettes; as well as most of the requirements to satisfy the Voice for Animals Badge for Seniors. We can also support troops with hands-on education and activities to fulfill Journey requirements at all levels; as well as help girls fulfill service hours needed to earn the Community Service Bars at each older Girl level for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors.
The Rabbit Haven rabbit education volunteers are available to visit a variety of settings from preschool through high school to provide a range of meaningful age-appropriate learning experiences with our loving bunnies. If you wish to have a visit by a Rabbit Haven educator, please contact Heather Bechtel at 831 239-7119 or director@therabbithaven.org.
*Troop visits available in Salinas/Monterey; all of Santa Cruz, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties