Nov 21st marked our first day back at Pet Pals in Santa Cruz since the beginning of the pandemic.
Pet Pals has offered us great space and we can have 17 pen shows there easily – We are open to the community and in Dec our nail trim clinic will be held the same day – (apt avail at our web site) www.therabbithaven.org
I am happy to report that on our first day back we had 12 adoptions! Great showing for Santa Cruz County!
The Rabbit Haven will be holding one show a month the third Sunday of the month! We will be showing Haven rabbits as well as rabbits from the Santa Cruz Shelter. As always, it is best to call /email Director@therabbithaven.org to make appointments to see the rabbits you want to meet. Call 831 239-7119 -Applications are sent in email and appointments will be made.
The adoption form is available under the Adoption Menu on the main page.
Thank you for coming out to visit us at the Santa Cruz Haven shows at Pet Pals. We are very happy to be back!
Love, Auntie Heather The Rabbit Haven