Saturday is International Homeless Animals' Day, conceived and commemorated by International Society for Animal Rights in 1992. Twenty-eight years since its inception, International Homeless Animals' Day continues to grow, helping pave the way to bring pet overpopulation to public attention. The Rabbit Haven will be participating in this important day
The Rabbit Haven, a local Rabbit rescue and education organization, accepts 700 animals every year –After they are spayed or neutered we then hold four adoption shows each month to help these bunnies find the perfect home!
This weekend Help end homelessness for rabbits and other Animals
What you can do:
1. Call us to Adopt - Our adoption rate is half off on 8-17 through the 25th Call 831 239-7119 11am to 8 PM
2. Contact the Rabbit Haven to help foster. Fosters are essential in ending the homeless animals problem. Email Director@therabbithaven.org all 831 239-7119
3. If you currently have a rabbit that is not spayed or neutered call us for referrals to low cost spay neuter services near you.
4. If you cannot adopt or foster help bring rabbit overpopulation to an end please donate to this special fund https://www.therabbithaven.org/cash-donations
See a list of our businesses that are supporting this day by offering free services of discount for adopters
PetPals 3660 Soquel Drive Soquel 10% off - Bring your adoption paperwork to petpals (or contact the rabbit haven for a special coupon and you will receive 10% off on your purchase on 8-17-18
Scotts Valley Feed 831 438 3194 5470 Scotts Valley Dr, Scotts Valley
Aptos Feed and pet supply 7765 Soquel Dr Ste C Aptos, (831) 685-3333offer 10% off for adopters
For Other Living things in 1261 south mary street Sunnyvale 408-739-6785
Call us for a list of participating vets offering a free first exam-