Dear Rabbit friends,
On 05-11-2021 the San Martin shelter accomplished a major rescue of 90+ rabbits from a dreadful tent city property in Morgan Hill - The shelter did an amazing job to save so many and the Rabbit Haven agreed to help them with the Rabbit Care so they could manage the care of these rabbits. The Rabbit Haven assists shelter with large scale rescue support.
So far we have stocked the shelter, provided all set up supply, food, hay, veggies and loving volunteers to provide direct care, photos, bunny hop events, and so much more. It is a wonderful experience.
Since May, all the rabbits have received medical care, spay neuter help, adoption services and loving care. There are now 30 rabbits that remain that need support.
Rabbit Haven Care team members provide the rabbits daily help to make sure they are fed, kept in clean environments, have proper supply and have time out of cages. Our job is to help care for and socialize all these rabbits moving to their permanent adoption. When there is time they move out into play areas.
Our Haven direct care & the shelter has worked miracles. As of today there are only 30 rabbits left that need our care! Will you help us help them in July and August? Even a block of 2 hours will help. . Due to scheduling many of our dedicated volunteers can no longer be at the shelter. We need additional volunteers ASAP! I know with our support all of these amazing rabbits can find homes. Please call to help today.
Please call me if you will help –831 239-7119 831 600-7479 (all shifts are open) If you cannot volunteer perhaps you would like to donate to help us supply these rabbits with fresh veggies and supply they need to thrive –Please donate here https://www.therabbithaven.org/donate
I hope to hear from you soon
Love to everyone and every bun
Auntie Heather director@therabbithaven.org (You can email me too)