Note from Flora
Wow, thank you so much for reading my letter and helping me. Good news!
I am going to leave the shelter! Haven staff are coming to pick me up, and then I see a vet. I even have a family who wants to adopt me. I am so happy and surprised. I thought my letter was a long shot (as they say) but you read it. You helped. You saved me.
Once I leave the shelter I am going to stay in a super foster site until my vet apt on Wed! Thing are looking up for me! Thank you to everyone for your love, ideas, support and for caring about me!
I am so grateful. I am so excited knowing that there are people out there who love me and that I will be safe. I will keep you posted when I leave the shelter and get to my next place. Dreams really do come true.
Now my bunny friend here at the shelter is on the “list”. Her name is Davi. I told her to write to you.
Love, Flora
Flora’s surgery was a success. Part of the leg bone was sticking through the skin so the vet removed that part of the bone, cleaned out the wound area and closed the surgical site. Flora was able to keep her leg. She will need great medical follow up care, bandaging and meds but she is on her way to recovery – Her entire surgery was 462.00 (thank you to Dr stern for the discount) Flora is in a medical foster site while she recovers –she will see the doctor inon 9-23 to recheck her leg. To contribute to her fund click here

Hi, my name is Flora – I need help ASAP! Last date here 9-16-2019. Read my letter please.
Dear Haven Friends, I was found wandering on the streets of San jose. I was hungry and so tired. My back leg was broken. My life has been pretty bad so far. I ended up at an animal shelter. Now, I have only until 9-16 to stay at the shelter!
Why? because my leg was broken and it is now healed in a funny position. It works for me! But here at the shelter they say I am not adoptable.
I have done my very best to stay alive. I was tossed out and had to fend for myself. I could barely find enough food to eat and water to drink. I do not deserve this.
I am a very nice girl and I want to live and be able to play and know I can eat. I have so much love to give. Will you give me a chance?
The people at the Haven will pick me up, have me spayed. That is something they say I need. Then they will bring me to you.
Have you always wanted a loving bunny daughter> Well, it may be me! I would love a home that is happy and loving, where I have a place to sleep and where I can be loved. Please call ASAP 831 239-7119 and 831 600-7479 and emial Ask for Heather, she will get help to me right away then I can come to you.
Adopt, foster, contribute to my care. OK? Please help me to live.
Flora fund donate here: