Hi my name is Hoppy. These are my last few hours unless you can help me an move me to safety,
You can help to save my life Please help me today! We can get you all you need.
I am a very young spayed girl who came into the shelter abruptly. I felt lost and alone. I did not come from a good environment and I am trying so hard to keep up, to eat and to be a good girl. Now this new ultimatum.
Since I am nervous and feel scared the shelter has asked me to leave the shelter – They are unable to meet my needs which are so simple I need good food, love and kindness… ’More than anything right now I need rescue -Please help me live!
Call this morning please!!!! Call auntie heather 831 239-7119 and or email director@therabbithaven.org
Please take the time today to save my life- I do not want to die.
TRH can deliver me anywhere in the bay area!
Please help me. Provide a safe place – My situation is urgent. Please act today!!!
Love, Auntie Heather 831 239-7119 Director@therabbithaven.org
Photos avail on “SA shelter am such limited timePetHarbor.com Animal Search: ADOPTABLE