Harold’s update
Harold has been so worried. But we promised to get his letter out and people have responded.
Harold has an place to go in Tn. Getting him there has proven problematic. As you can imagine it is terribly hard to get transport together from Ca to TN. So far I do not even have the papers back yet. The TN option will not work in time for Harold.
Today a local person contacted us to foster. We will most definitely go with that option and get Harold seen by a vet and neutered. Harold really needs OUT. ASAP.
Then this sweet boy will be safe and can move into adoption. Thank you to everyone who wrote and called about Harold. If you want to donate for his care and housing click here https://therabbithaven.org/donate You contributions will fund his transport, vet care and foster set up. Working together there is a way to save Every shelter rabbit on the “list”. Love to you. Auntie Heather

Please help - Read his letter please
Hello everyone my name is Harold. I am stuck at a super full shelter and they need me out because they do not have space for me. In addition, I have a bit of a wet eye - You can see it if my picture – I did not think it was bad. I am almost out of time. I feel so depressed and unhappy.
The nice people from the Haven came by to cheer me up and promised to post my letter to you. I so hope it works. I do not want to die.
While I played with my new holiday gift bag I dreamed of having a nice family to live with. Honest, I am a good bunny – I do not understand why I was thrown out like this. I feel so scared and very alone.
I am nervous as I have such a little bit of time left. Do you think you can help me? You can rescue and adopt me (Haven will cover my med visit and a neuter) You could foster me. Haven said they will loan you a pen and set up.
This is my last chance to ask you- I have done nothing wrong. I just need care and love and I’ll be fine!
You can call Heather at 831 239-7119 11Am to 10 PM any day of the week. You can email her at director@therabbithaven.org she can get me out and safely transported to you in a 100 mile radius of Santa Cruz CA - Call right away, OK? 831 239-7119
The Rabbit Haven is a non profit 501c3 org. located in the greater SF Bay Area.